Sunday, 8 December 2013

Best of the southern skies... and Kiama lighthouse!

Some of the best parts of the southern skies: Nova Cen 2013, Crux (the Southern Cross) and the Jewel Box open star cluster, the Coal Sack, Eta Carinae and the Carina nebula, the Omega Centauri globular star cluster... they can all be seen in this wide-field image. Not to be outdone, the Kiama Lighthouse throws a beam of light into the night sky as well. :)

Click here for a larger version.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Nova hunter!

David Finlay, nova hunter. Nova Cen 2013 can be seen almost directly over his head.

To see a larger version, click here.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Bright nova in Centaurus!

Nova Cen 2013 was only discovered a couple of days ago, and is still getting brighter! It was an easy naked eye object earlier tonight, and is an exciting new development for southern sky observers. Not to mention a great excuse to kick off this new website. ;)

Welcome to ClearSkies.TV. We hope to develop this page into a hub of astronomy and natural events news. To start things off, here is Nova Cen 2013 as it appeared on the night of 5/6 December 2013:

If you'd like to see a larger view, click HERE.