Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Extremely bright Aurora Australis visible from Kiama early this morning!

This was the brightest auroral display David and I have ever seen! The Pacific Ocean was purple from the reflection, it was that bright! We had to wait all night for the show to begin, but it was more than worth it. The brightest part of the show happened just before 6 AM, at which time the sky to the east was already brightening rapidly, with daybreak not far away. Despite all that, the Aurora was bright and obvious and unmistakable to the naked eye.

Here are the photos:

You can see three short time-lapse videos of the Aurora Australis HEREHERE and HERE.

We also hosted a live stream of the event in real time. You can see the 14-minute video (quite amusing) HERE. :)

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Aurora Australis in full moonlight!

There was Aurora visible from Wollongong last night (Wednesday 7 January 2015). Rudi captured these images from Gerroa, where the Aurora was easily visible with the naked eye (colour and all)... despite the nearly-full Moon!

Rudi also assembled a short time-lapse video of last night's Aurora Australis, which can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnqcKsFBLfE.

To fully appreciate how spectacular this Aurora was, please scroll all the way down the page, to see a photo from David Finlay. David could not get away in time and had to observe the Aurora from the city of Wollongong. Even shooting through all that light pollution, and directly into a streetlight, the red auroral glow is unmistakable!

larger view

And here is David's amazing capture, taken with a 15mm FishEye lens. Look at that glow!