Sunday, 6 July 2014

Aurora Australis from Tasmania

Tasmania is one of the prime places in the world to view Aurora. That is why we went there in the first place! And, by pure chance, we got to meet fellow Aurora chaser and photographer, Fran Davis. It was a lucky coincidence!

© Fran Davis  -  larger version

We were lucky to meet Fran Davis on our first night in Hobart, while photographing the Dark Mofo light show from Rosny Lookout. While we were snapping away, Fran, a fellow photographer, came over to compare exposure notes. During our conversation it became clear that Fran is also an avid Aurora photographer. She was kind enough and patient enough to answer all our questions after that, and we had quite a few!

Fran, thanks again for everything! Meeting you was the best thing that could have happened to us on our first day in Tassie, and we had a huge head start on finding suitable observing locations because of you. You can send us more of your images anytime! :)


  1. Hi Rudi. Thanks for the "exposure." Was great to meet you, and share information. Due to my very Southern location - Bruny Island - I have been fortunate to be able to send out a couple of alerts to our Facebook Aurora Alert Groups. Look forward to sharing many more with you.

  2. I look forward to seeing them, Fran.
